
A Python interface to Pavel Sakov’s gridgen library

The full documentation for this for library is here.

For more detailed documentation on grid generation, manipulation, and visualization, see the documentation for pygridtools.


This fork of pygridgen stands on the very tall shoulders of Robert Hetland of Texas A&M University. Many thanks to him, Richard Signell, Filipe Fernandes, and all of the other contributors.


C Libraries

The following dependencies are all available via conda-forge for Linux and Mac OS:


Provided that all of the shared C libraries are installed, the remaining python depedencies are the following:

  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • pyproj (only if working with geographic coordinates)


Tests are written using the pytest package. From the source tree, run them simply with by invoking pytest in a terminal. If you’re editing the source code, it helps to have pytest-pep8 installed to check code style.

Alternatively, from the source tree you can run python --strict to run the units tests, style checker, and doctests.


Building the HTML documentation requires:

  • sphinx
  • sphinx_rtd_theme
  • numpydoc
  • jupyter-notebook
  • nbsphinx
  • pandas
  • seaborn

Indices and tables